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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Massive exam leakage hits Jayee University College

The Jayee University College at Accra has been hit by a major examination leakage. This has resulted in the cancellation of  all the papers.

Authorities of the University on Monday December 13, asked over hundred students who were getting ready for the paper to stop due to the leakage.

The University has begun investigations into the source of the leakage.

A source close to the University’s Management told Ghana Politics news that many students had access to almost all the papers days before the exams.

Meanwhile some of the students are agitated; saying authorities shouldn't  have canceled the previous papers they wrote.

According to them, they found some people holding the exam papers in the lecture halls, toilets, washrooms and other places. The writings were in the same font size and word to word” they said.

the University authority have come out to say that exams will continue Wednesday 15th December, and they will communicate to student when the new time table for the exams will be given to them.

Story by: Gilbert Amoyaw Sam

Kufuor slams Wikileaks-Guardian expose

Former President John Agyekum Kufuor has downplayed raging media frenzy over damaging US Embassy cables leaked to the western media in which his government was accused of lacking political will in the fight against drug trafficking on the West African Coast during his tenure.

The Wikileaks dossier, which was published on Tuesday December 14, by the Guardian newspaper in the UK, quoted a December 2007 cable as having said that; Embassy contacts in the Police Service and the President’s office “have said they know the identities of the major barons,” but “the government of Ghana does not have the political will to go after them.”

But in a sharp response on Wednesday night December 15, Mr. John Agyekum Kufuor told Citi News the Guardian’s publication is misleading.

“The British Government said the Westbridge project worked very well. I understand the Wikileaks said the Government and did not refer to the Kufuor Government. It might be that the Government of today is not doing enough to fight the crime menace.

Westbridge has been commended during Kufuor’s time by the head of the British Narcotic drug office. We did Westbridge and we did whatever we could so they should go and check their facts. There is too much loose talk. People just make allegations and when you challenge them to prove they can’t and yet people want to believe. If we do that, societies will never mature so we have to be hard-headed because we all want to fight crime” he said.

“I do not want my children and grand-children to fall victims to drug addiction because they will be destroyed. So we should never talk loosely and politicize this issue, it is too damaging” he appealed.

Mr. Kufuor cautioned the local media to be more responsible and not abuse the freedom that they are enjoying through the effort of the NPP administration.

“Please deepen the sense of responsibility. After all we repealed the Criminal Libel Law. If we had used it, perhaps people couldn’t talk as freely as they are talking. But we did not believe in muscling the media so now you are free to talk and you talk loosely. That’s not good because it won’t help you or the society.

Asked whether the Wikileaks-Guardian publication was not a fair reflection of his Government’s performance, Mr. Kufuor responded “What did Guardian say about Kufuor? And you are Ghanaian and Guardian is not in Ghana. Do you want to believe Guardian who might be paid to do something, criminal against Ghana? Is that what you want to believe?” he asked.

The former President was speaking to Citi News’ Richard Sky soon after his party, the NPP, honoured him for his achievements as the most successful leader to have emerged from the Danquah-Busia tradition.

The occasion was also to mark the tenth anniversary of the 72-year-old’s election in 2000 as the President of the Republic.

In receiving the honours, President John Kufour spoke strongly about the need for party faithful to unite ahead of the 2012 polls.

He said the NPP is the only party that can guarantee development in freedom for Ghanaians.


Nana Addo declares victory at all cost in 2012

Hundreds of New Patriotic Party bigwigs and youths beaming with confidence and wearing broad toothpaste smiles Wednesday night turned the Nima residence of the party’s flagbearer, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo into a durbar ground, where he declared the NPP will have no choice but to win the 2012 general elections.

The occasion, planned to be a modest dinner in honour of former President John Agyekum Diawuo Kufuor, who turned 72 recently, and his wife Madam Theresa Kufuor, proved too alluring for the party’s faithful, some of whom travelled from the regions to celebrate their mentors.

Said Nana Addo; Next year will be a year of intensive preparations for our party as we gear up for the great battle of 2012. We have to win that battle. The welfare of our nation demands. We dare not contemplate any other outcome.”

The crowd hailed the proclamation with shouts of victory as Nana promised to be a strong, fair minded leader with deep convictions and a high sense of integrity, one who will promote reconciliation and unity in both party and nation and encourage the sense of enterprise of the Ghanaian people. He will also deliver on his promises and help create a brighter future for all Ghanaians under conditions of freedom, respect for the liberties of all and the rule of law.

“This is the vision of leadership that inspires me and I am counting on the active cooperation and support of all of you here, and millions beyond, to help make the vision a reality for the benefit of our nation’s development.”

In extolling Kufuor’s achievements on the occasion of his birthday, which also coincides with the 10th anniversary of his election victory in 2000 to lead Ghana as president, Nana Addo observed that “A few days ago, Ghana's Social Health Insurance Model was recognised by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and singled out for the coveted South-South Cooperation Excellence Award, in Geneva, Switzerland.

“A documentary on BBC in 2008 stressed the importance of the School Feeding Programme and the Capitation Grant and the positive impact the two are having on primary school enrolment in Ghana.

“In your time, “Ghana scored an excellent record of good governance. The separation of powers and the independence of the Judiciary and the Legislature were respected. The media enjoyed unprecedented freedom. The rule of law prevailed and the fundamental human rights of the people were respected. Poverty statistics indicate that in your period, rapid economic progress helped half national poverty rates, which fell from approximately 50 per cent in 1991 to 28.5 per cent by 2006. The GDP of our nation was quadrupled (or grew ten-fold per rebasing) in your time. Those who fiercely challenged that fact are today basking in the recent assertion that Ghana has now reached middle income status.”

Noting that the argument as to who is the best president in Ghana’s history will in due course be settled by the historians, Nana Addo pointed to what he said were disquieting developments on the horizon in the manner which Ghana’s oil reserves and revenues are to be treated.

He called on President J.E.A. Mills not to assent to the bill containing the amended Clause 5 that seeks to collateralize the oil revenue, calling the decision unfortunate and ill informed.

“The decision by the majority in Parliament to amend its own bill to allow for collateralization of our oil revenue is unfortunate and ill informed. Available evidence from the experience of other oil producing countries suggests that the policy of collaterization of oil revenues became prominent during the booms of the 1970s when oil rich countries, like Angola, Nigeria and Venezuela, excited by the prospects of increased future oil revenues, embarked on heavy borrowing, usually on projects with inflated price tags. The effect was that their economies were tied to their creditors whilst the subsequent servicing of these debts crippled economic transformation. Ghana risks joining this tried and tested cursed path.

“I would like to take this opportunity to urge the President of the Republic not to give his assent to the Bill containing the amendment to Clause 5, which removes the agency of restraint on government expenditure embodied in the original Bill, which was approved by his own Cabinet, as it is not in the interest of both current and future generations. To do so would be to go against his own Cabinet's considered opinion and the expressed wishes of the people of Ghana as were reflected in the view of the over 80% of Ghanaians who contributed to the nationwide consultations on how best to manage and utilize petroleum revenues.”

Nana Addo said the amendment to Clause 5 opens the possibility for Government to increase the debt burden of the nation to unsustainable levels as witnessed to the detriment of funding frontline social services and workers' salaries, when such borrowing (even on a far lower scale) resulted in Ghana becoming a Highly Indebted Poor Country. The President who is the first in our history to deal with oil revenues should set a positive precedent of prudent and far-sighted management of these revenues.”

Former President Kufuor, his emotions palpable, was profuse in thanks to his host and celebrants, and urged a united front in the party for victory. He said the path to victory in 2012 was even clearer than ever, however complacency was a veritable enemy.

He said the party’s goodwill extends beyond the borders of the nation and urged all factions to close their ranks to salvage the nation once more.

The former president and his wife were presented with assorted gifts.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Police besiege GFA offices

Plain-clothes Policemen and operatives of National Security have barricaded the premises of the Ghana Football Association preventing officials from entering or leaving the building.

The action is said to have been instructed by the Serious Fraud Office. A source at the SFO has told that the office requested for certain documents from the GFA about two months ago but the FA has refused.

"We went for a court order to search and seize," the source told

The SFO invited GFA President Kwesi Nyantakyi for questioning over issues relating to Glo sponsorship deal of the Premier League but he declined the invitation initially, saying the SFO had no legal mandate to invite him. He and other FA officers have since been meeting with SFO officials.

Only last week, world football governing body, Fifa, issued a statement backing the GFA president and stating that the government could only order investigations into the disbursement of money it gave to the FA but not funds from corporate bodies.

Logistics such as computers are being removed, has learned.

The plain-clothes men are reported to have descended on the FA offices in a number of vehicles, including Mahindra pick-up with registration number GC 6620 09; and two Toyota Landcruisers with registration numbers NR 1018 09 and NR 1039 09.

GFA President Kwesi Nyantakyi who walked into the commotion was inquiring from journalists what was happening in his office. He recalled the SFO had invited his office but at a short notice and thought the GFA needed time to organise itself and respond appropriately.

He said the GFA responded in writing to the SFO, and requested for more time, however there had not been any response.

According to the FA president, aspects of the SFO's authority to investigate the GFA is in court already and he would prefer the court to pronounce on it.

"Once somebody has encroached upon your premises whether with or without a court order, you need to find out the basis for the entry and I can even see a vehicle that has blocked our entrance. I dont know what is happening and it raises a lot of legal issues and we dont determine legal issues in the media, they are determined in the court of law so I will plead with you that let us exercise patience, let them do whatever they are doing we will also take the matter up," said Nyantakyi.

Journalists at the FA premises say about eight computers at the GFA have been carted away, along with several files.

A group calling itself supporters of the ruling National Democratic Congress, stormed the GFA offices, albeit belatedly, claiming their objective was to stop the action of the SFO because they felt it gave the government and President Mills a bad name.


Thursday, December 2, 2010


Nissan Sentra car

Seven vehicles have been involved in accident in two days at the Tetegu junction an accident zone on the Malam – Kasoa road on Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon respectively.
 Both accidents which is said to have been caused by speeding and wrong over-taking by drivers saw one person dead and few others sustaining minor injuries.
The cars which were involved in the accident were an articulator truck with registration number GT 4138 H loaded with cocoa , a Mercedes Benz with registration number GR 4647 X and a Nissan 4x4 car with registration GR 1069-09 were all involved in the first accident whiles a Kia truck with registration  number GS 749 Y, a Nissan Avara with registration number GT 4758-10 which is owned by Ghana Ports and Harbour Authority, a Nissan Sentra with registration number GR 7808 Q which witnesses say caused the accident and a TATA bus with registration number GR 579 B.
According to the driver of the Nissan Avara both his car and the Nissan sentra were heading towards Kasoa whiles the TATA bus and the Kia truck were heading towards Malam from Kasoa.
He said the Nissan santra tried to over-take a car in front of him who did not give him the chance to over-take him, which resulted into a struggle for space in the inner lane of a three lane road.
He added that the santra hit the back of the car in front of him, lost control and hit his car which saw both drivers losing control and drove off into opposite side of the road causing the TATA bus to run over the Nissan Sentra whiles the Nissan Avara also ran into the back of the Kia truck causing massive traffic on both sides of the road.
A police officer at the New Weija Police Station in charge of accident who gave his name as Sacramento said most accidents that occur at the junction is due to the heavy traffic that drivers go through from Kaneshie to the Malam junction, and when they are out they try to show their skills on the way by speeding and wrongly over-taken others.
He further added that the police are yet to investigate the cause of the accident.
He also added that the driver of the Articulator truck which was also involved in an accident at that same spot is in their custody to help them in their investigations.   
Source; Gilbert Amoyaw Sam.