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Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Rawlingses Want Power Because Of Ghana’s Oil -Boakye Gyan

Ex. President J.J Rawlings and wife Nana Konadu
 The Rawlingses Want Power Because Of Ghana’s Oil -Boakye Gyan

As Jerry John Rawlings and his wife, Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings continue to irk majority of Ghanaians with their mental disorder which is referred to as Messiahnic Delusions by some psychologists, Capt Rtd. Kwadwo Boakye Gyan, Spokesperson for the erstwhile AFRC, seems to have a fair idea as to what is pushing the former President and his wife to want power at all cost.

According to Boakye-Gyan, as far as he is concerned, Rawlings and his wife are desperate for power because of Ghana’s imminent oil resources.

Speaking on TV3’s Agenda programme a day before the June 4 declaration that Konadu Agyeman Rawlings is dreaming of becoming the flagbearer of the NDC in 2012, Osahene Boakye-Gyan did not mince words in deciphering the real motive behind what Rawlings and his wife are up to.

According to the AFRC’s Spokesperson, he knows Rawlings very well and so can read through the mind of the former President and his wife.

Speaking his mind without much difficulty, Osahene Boakye-Gyan spoke at length about who Jerry Rawlings is and how he has the capacity to manipulate and use pretence to achieve his selfish ends.

According to Boakye-Gyan, all the attempts by the Rawlingses to create the impression that they are not wealthy, is a façade because he knows it for a fact that a lot of their actions are actuated by the desire to acquire wealth. For those who don’t know, Captain Kwadwo Boakye-Gyan was the best man when Jerry John Rawlings was wedding Nana Konadu and both men were very close pals until they fell out with each other somewhere along the line.

Power outages halt parliamentary proceeding

Power outages halt parliamentary proceeding

Power outages on Wednesday halted Parliamentary proceedings for over an hour.

The power flickered on and off three times and never came back again until 11:15 hours.

The first Deputy Speaker, Mr Doe Adjaho, who sat in for the Speaker, therefore could not stay to chair proceedings so he returned immediately to his office.

When proceedings resumed, Mr Isaac Asiamah member for Atwima-Mponua, who attempted to comment on the matter, was restrained. Mr Adjaho told the House that even though he summoned those responsible for energy to explain the outages, he could not disclose the outcome of their discussion saying it would be explained to the House on Thursday. Later there a disagreements between the Majority and the Minority as to whether the Deputy Energy Minister, Dr Emmanuel Buah should answer questions on behalf of his Minister, Dr Oteng Adjei.

Mr Cletus Avoka, Majority Leader appealed for the House to accept Dr Buah to answer the questions on behalf of the Minister. The Minority however accused Dr Oteng Adjei as avoiding parliament.

Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, Minority Leader said they were not against the Deputy Ministers answering questions on behalf of their Ministers but where it seemed there was the intent to avoid parliament it would be a problem.

"The Minister in most cases intently finds a way to excuse himself from parliament," he said and called on Mr Avoka to established reasons for his absence.

According to Mr Avoka, Dr Adjei was in the House to respond to the questions, but had an urgent call to come to the castle. The Minister later came to answer the questions.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Young Artists For Haiti - Wavin' Flag + Download Link